Ready to trade crypto on Bitget but not sure where to start? Don’t worry, here’s a simple guide to help you set up the Bitget app and begin trading.
Step 1: Download and Install the Bitget App
First, go to the App Store (for iPhone) or Google Play Store (for Android) and search for Bitget. Download and install the app on your device.
Step 2: Create an Account
Open the Bitget app and sign up for an account:
- Tap on Sign Up.
- Enter your email or phone number, create a secure password, and verify your email or phone number.
- Set up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) for added security.
Step 3: Deposit Funds
Now that your account is ready, it’s time to deposit funds to start trading:
- On the home screen, tap Assets.
- Select Deposit and choose the cryptocurrency or fiat you want to deposit.
- Follow the instructions to transfer your crypto or link a payment method for fiat deposits.
Step 4: Set Up Your Trading Preferences
Customize your settings before you start trading:
- Tap Settings in the app.
- Adjust preferences like language, notifications, and chart style to suit your trading style.
Step 5: Start Trading
Now, you’re ready to trade!
- Go to the Markets section to browse available cryptocurrencies.
- Choose the trading pair you want (e.g., BTC/USDT).
- Tap Buy or Sell depending on your trade, enter the amount, and hit Confirm to place your order.
Step 6: Monitor Your Trades
Once your order is placed, you can check your open orders under the Orders tab. You’ll be able to track your profits and losses in real-time.
- Enable Notifications: Get notified of price changes or important events.
- Use the Demo Account: If you’re new to trading, try the demo account to practice without risking real money.
- Explore Advanced Features: Bitget offers advanced features like Copy Trading, Futures Trading, and Margin Trading—perfect for experienced traders.
And that’s it! You’re now all set to trade on Bitget. Happy trading!